All Categories - Accord Literary
1. How did you come up with the idea for Crossing the Stream? My grandmother lived to the...
1. Even when my voice shakes is great! How did the idea for the book come about? Thank you, I’m...
1. How did you come up with the idea for Children of Stardust? I always wanted to write a...
Fiction For Young Readers Masterclass #1 Accord Literary is excited to present our first online...
Accord Literary Accra Workshop As many of our countries continue in various levels of lockdown...
Accord Literary awarded the African Publishing Innovation Fund Accord Literary is pleased to...
Introducing Our Authors We are thrilled to share with you the authors we are currently working...
‘Books are sometimes windows, offering views of the world that may be real or imagined, familiar...
Open Call for Submissions We are thrilled to finally launch our call for submissions and cannot...